This timeline can play out in less than 180 days, so don't wait. Act immediately, and contact your lender.
- First 30-90 Days
- The owner is behind on mortgage payments.
- 30 Days Later
- Legal proceedings begin when the mortgage company files a complaint.
- 28 Days
- The owner has 28 days from receipt of a complaint to respond or file an answer.
- Within 5-30 Days
- The mortgage company attorney files a motion for default judgment if no answer is made.
- The court can render a default judgment decision.
- The mortgage company attorney files a motion for a judgment decree in the foreclosure.
- The court can render a judgment decree in the foreclosure decision.
- The mortgage company attorney files a legal form known as a praecipe with the Franklin County Clerk of Courts ordering the sale of the property.
- Within 3 Days
- The Clerk of Courts Office delivers the praecipe to the Franklin County Sheriff.
- During the Next 3 Months
- An appraisal is ordered and completed.
- The sale date is set.
- The sale is advertised in The Daily Reporter for 5 weeks.
- Day of Sale
- The Sheriff's Office will auction the property to the highest bidder.
- Within 30 to 60 Days of Sale
- Confirmation of Sale (orders Sheriff's deed and gives the new owner the right to file for a writ of possession).
- 14 days after the Confirmation of Sale, the Sheriff's deed is issued.
- The new owner files for a writ of possession.
- The Sheriff's Office will give the former owner 10-14 days to move out of the home. This can be extended up to 30 days for hardship.